Friday, February 11, 2022

Stem cell research controversy essay

Stem cell research controversy essay

Umbilical cord blood, plus research from adult stem cells, provide all the useful information we could require for research, stem cell research controversy essay. This section discusses cross-cultural perspectives, challenges and benefits of bioethics. Moreover, I proposed that the therapeutic cloning may lead to biological problems such as formation of Tumors or other health disorders and complications. There are a lot of other issues in the society that are immoral such s abortion or gay marriage stem cell research controversy essay having pre-marital sex but the society apt to accept them. The selection of this topic was informed by the need to understand the society in terms of beliefs, norms, and views on scientific development. Do not know exactly what you need?


Stem cell research is the latest advancement in biotechnology which shows how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This technique has lead scientists to research about the possibility Of cell-based therapies to treat disease, which is Often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine. The stem cell formation involves several steps. Blastoffs cells divide and form into the tissues and organs of a human body. Embryonic stem cells can be grown n the laboratory from balloonists and made to differentiate into nerve, liver, muscle, blood, and other cells. Scientists believe that this would help to replace cells in diseased organs in human beings.

Embryonic stem cells can also be used to test the effects of new drugs without harming animals or people. It is a life changing technique and should be allowed, however, some opponents claim it to be immoral. The opponents claim that since the cells come from embryo, therefore they are alive and extracting these cells means the death of a living organism which is immoral Qaeda Stem cell research can have a significant impact on regenerative medicine and therapeutic cloning. Regenerative medicine involves the use of stems cells for the growth, either in the test tube in the laboratory or in a human body, for consecutive transplantation. The tissue or organ parts can repair or replace those damaged by abnormalities, stem cell research controversy essay, aging, disease or injury Monsoons While, therapeutic cloning is stem cell research controversy essay procedure in which cells are taken from a patient often from skin and inserted into a fertilized egg whose nucleus has been removed.

The resulting cell is stimulated to divide repeatedly to form a localhost. Stem cells are then taken out from it and used to grow tissues that are a perfect genetic match for the patient Bailey Scientists have always been curious about the origin of humans and their evolution. The stem cell research controversy essay cell research has provided an opportunity to them in a way that they would be able to study human growth and the development of cells in our body with. Stem cells are classified as being plenteous or multivalent. Stem cells that are plenteous are capable of forming almost all of the possible tissue types found in human beings. These cells can only be found in a certain stage a blastoffs in human embryos Deem, stem cell research controversy essay.

Multivalent stem cells are partially differentiated, stem cell research controversy essay, so that they can form a limited number of tissue types, stem cell research controversy essay. Multivalent stem cells can be found in the fetus, in umbilical cord blood, and many adult tissues, stem cell research controversy essay. The use of adult stem cells, from blood, skin and other tissues, has been verified to be effective for treating different diseases in animals. Umbilical-cord-derived stem cells have also been isolated ND used for various experimental treatments NIH website.

In relation to heart diseases, the research shows that the ability of a human body to respond to a distress signal may be very successful in the regenerative medicine. In heart attack attends, it was found that a share number of circulating stem cells were able to sense and respond the kind receptor. These stem cells are then extracted and produced in large numbers and then injected in to the patients with heart diseases for their treatment Sykes, Stem cell research controversy essay Research has shown significant results in the curing the patients with anemia and the diseases that prevent blood looting and other blood related diseases such as leukemia, and lymphoma. The human body depends on the cells called the platelets for the blood clotting. Some patients lack them in their body due to their genetics or if they are anemic.

The stem cells are regenerated as platelets and injected into these patients to cure such diseases that stem cell research controversy essay the blood clotting Breakthrough Digest. The issue provokes every mind that should we help those desperate patients who suffer from deadly diseases or should we just ignore it just because it is immoral. There are a lot of other issues in the society that are immoral such s abortion or gay marriage or having pre-marital sex but the society apt to accept them. com is a service that assists students in completing college projects and writing papers on a variety of topics. Academic writing, creative writing, and non-word projects are all areas in which we specialize.

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Argumentative Essay www. This argumentative paper aimed to locate the nationa Argumentative Research Pa Argumentative Research Paper On Stem Cell Stem Cell Research Contro Stem Cell Research Controversy , Stem Cell Argumentative Essay, Argumentative Essay Essay writi Contact us and we'll help you out! Before continuing to use our service please make sure you got acquainted with our Cookie Policy and accepted it by clicking OK. My account Order now. Posted: January 27, To: Essay writing. Share: Total shares:. Table of contents: General idea Introduction Conclusion Stem cell research is one of the most controversial topics of our day.

order now Get your assignments completed by our expert writers any topic any due date flexible pricing. Tagged in: stem cell research persuasive essay. Categories Essay samples Infographics Study Guides Essay writing. Recent posts How to Write a Good Expository Essay About Macbeth How to Write An Expository Essay About Love How to Write a Great Expository Essay About Life Writing an Expository Essay About Marijuana Persuasive Essay About Macbeth. Get a price. Type of service: Academic paper writing. Type of paper : Essay. Pages words. Academic level: High School. The second edit I explored from the Wikipedia was a video link on the developments in adult stem cell research over the years. The video claims that the practice is more useful due to the fact that it alleviates many diseases.

Another major drawback to this therapy is that stem cells have one thing in common with the cancer cells, that is, their ability to multiply indefinitely. The main fear exposed in the video was that the use of stem cells to treat a disease may result in the seeding of cancer throughout the body. Under the edit button, I posted a comment that seeding may also pose a much greater health risk to the patients. In my opinion, the video offers a scientific approach to understanding the basics of stem cell research. It is important to review the developments of stem cell research so as to develop an independent, informed, and neutral explanation to the controversies surrounding adult stem cell research.

In the third section of the Wikipedia, I came across an audio link that is supported by some literature on the practical approach on how adult stem cells may be useful in treating heritable diseases. The blog stated that stem cells are majorly harvested from three to five day human embryos. Many cells can be used during culturing until desired outcome is attained in treatment of hereditary illnesses. Referring to several scientific research studies, the author noted that Stem cell therapy can be used to curb medical disorders affecting blood cells such as leukemia, ADA deficiency or damage to the spinal code Waters and Ronald Functionally, Stem cells have capacity to self renew as well as to generate differentiate cells with different functions such as heart, skin, lung and nerve system: These differentiated cells are what make up an organism.

The therapy of Stem cell is based on this concept. Patients with medical disorders would be injected with cultured stem cells directed to the affected areas. The cells are expected to proliferate and differentiate to correct the disorder. In my opinion, this audio recording provides firsthand information on how adult stem cells may be the next remedy towards treating hereditary illnesses such as leukemia. This information is vital in offering a protagonist view of benefits of adult stem cell research. In order to make the research paper complete, it is important to consider the protagonist and antagonist views.

In the fourth section of the Wikipedia document, the subtopic on human cloning as a malpractice activity that has moral implications to various religious faiths caught my attention. The blog illustrates different perceptions raised by various religious dominations such as Protestantism, Catholicism, Islamic religion, Hindu, and Jewish community. Nevertheless, the blog also discussed different religious faiths that have divergent views concerning human cloning. Actually, the matter concerns diverse disciplines such as law, physic philosophy theology and biology Voneky and Rudijer As I was reading through the blog, I discovered that the position taken by the author is that stem cell research is unethical.

In my opinion, this blog is vital in revealing the rationale from a supernatural point of view on why stem cell research defies human dignity. This source offers an antagonist view of the topic of research. The last section I explored on the Wikipedia document was a subtopic on the fundamental questions associated to human cloning through reflections of religious, cultural and regional aspects that contradict biotechnology. This section discusses cross-cultural perspectives, challenges and benefits of bioethics. The blog is focused to debate about bioethical matters not only in domestic regions but also in international domain. In addition, the blog discusses uncertainty concerning damage of human embryo due to the process of human cloning and how the same has raised fundamental questions concerning moral implications.

In my opinion, the blog is comprehensive in laying claims whether cloning embryos at early stage in order to generate stem cells might be morally right or not Roetz As I was reading through this literature, I was convinced that the blog is scientific and provides important findings in interpreting the moral dilemma that has been associated with human cloning.

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