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Social work essay examples

Social work essay examples

The purpose of my paper is to explore the critical situation of immigrant women and girls who are the victims of human trafficking which often transitions into sex trafficking along the United States-Mexico border. A general job description would include elements like social work essay examples to transport clients to and from services, helping clients to access the resources available to them, and actively communicating with clients on a daily basis. This continues the growing number of ethnic groups in this country, social work essay examples. Resilience and young people leaving care. A challenge for me is my more reserved demeanor. Maurice Williams is the former director of Treatment Foster Care. There is clearly a need to engage likeminded and interested individuals with

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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Social Work Essay Examples. Essay examples. Analysis of The Concept of "Social Work" words 2 Pages. I can imagine a high percentage of people have the image of a Department of Human Services Child Welfare Caseworker coming to a home, or stripping a child away from their family Helping Others Social Work. It is the basic condition of human being to consciously express the surrounding world and its position in it. Research on these expressions related to mental or human behavior is necessary for proper organization of all social life, despite being an independent task in daily Social Work, social work essay examples. I grew up in a society with an extensive cultural bonding not merely of an extended family but also from a neighborhood perspective.

When I am about to describe myself, it would be incomplete to discuss it without the surroundings that had a profound effect Career Goals Social Work. The Highly decorative professional way of expressing something which can be understood by large group of people without specific knowledge is an art. Through the art civilization, happiness, sadness can be expressed, social work essay examples. Social work is an academic discipline and profession which is concerned with the Artwork Painting Social Work, social work essay examples. Abstract The main objective of the article is to orient the possibilities of using statistical methods both in education and in research in the areas of Social Work.

Social Work and related research, such as Psychiatric Social Work, Medical Social Work, Community Development, Empowerment of Social Work Statistics. Experiences in the field help to acquaint with the actual social situation. The field experiences provide opportunities to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom situations and to plan, implement and evaluate these experiences while working with individuals, groups, and communities. Critical self- reflection is Canada Service Learning Social Work. Knowledge and practical application of child development is fundamental to safeguarding children and promoting positive outcomes for children and families Davies and Ward, Brandon et al, Social workers have a statutory duty under The Children Social work essay examplesto promote and safeguard the welfare of Development Social Work.

Social work essay examples, the world filled with vulnerable and disadvantaged people. We need social workers who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of these people in society. Through their commitment to bringing about positive social change social workers play a prominent role in improving People in this field focus on empowering those who are living in poverty, Oppression, and are vulnerable. The NASW code of ethics is a code that every social worker must abide Job Social Work, social work essay examples. I chose to be a social worker. I chose this job because, in social work, every day is completely different. You may try and plan exactly what you want but you can bet that there will be many social work essay examples challenges to deal with each week.

Social workers will come across ethical dilemmas on a regular basis. Ethical dilemmas may include inappropriate nature in the workplace, or having social work essay examples make a decision that may go against protocols but be morally the right thing to do. During internship, interns will face ethical Ethical Dilemma Social Work. In my group, I was the only Social Work major along with an Occupational Therapy major and three Nursing majors. We all had very difficult schedules that seemed to clash together so it was hard for us to work together. The day of common hours Social Work Teamwork. Social work process requires changes in sequential actions whereby the workers go through implementation, evaluation, and assessment of various procedures guided by local or national policy.

Various social work essay examples gather the required team of practitioners that are willing and passionate about saving lives in our society Change Social Work. Jane Addams was illustrated as a feminist and activist. Despite the fact that Social Social work essay examples did not exist as such, she went with her instincts and learned from her experience of working with different people with desperate and complex needs. Jane was most recognised as Influential Person Jane Addams Social Work. For this assignment, I chose to do Jane Addams who was born in the Around this time, the abolition of Slavery in the United States led to the breakdown of the Atlantic slave trade.

Abraham Lincoln Assassinated, The Thirteenth Amendment Ratified, Wyoming Gives Women The SSSC codes of practice are a set of rules which set out a guideline for the quality of work a practitioner should be giving and how they are expected to behave within their work, social work essay examples. It also gives employers a set of standards that they Service Learning Social Work. Systemic barriers across social service settings have been long ignored. These challenges undermine positive outcomes, permanency and safety for children who are in foster care, social work essay examples. Many times, the lack of communication between service agencies impede the achievement of social work essay examples goals for children and families.

Foster Care Social Work. The field of Social Work, you will find, is one that is graciously underappreciated in nearly every developed country around the world. It is hard, emotional, low-paying work, and those that do it work with some of the most damaged people you will ever meet-wither Jane Addams Social Work. Jane Addams the voice of the poor In a time where a no one was helping those in poverty there was one woman who helped. Jane Addams gave those in poverty not only a place to live but a place where they can learn to In a world where technology use is constantly growing social workers need to adapt to these required tools Introduction For my first placement, social work essay examples, as social worker student, I am being placed in Ingle Farm Primary school IFPS, social work essay examples.

Ingle Farm Primary school firmly believes in building powerful learners by empowering collaborative innovators through authentic feedback, growth mindsets, and integrity. The report highlights the Ingle Primary School Social Work. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Engineer Essays Employee Essays Working Abroad Essays About Myself Essays Alcohol Essays Baseball Essays Beauty Essays Biography Essays Christmas Essays Courage Essays. Top 10 Similar Topics Career Goals Community Service Teamwork Doctor Career Discipline Internship Interview Dream Career Work-life Balance. Got it. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need! Get your paper now. Professional writers and researchers.

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Anti-LGBT policy is at risk. Under the Trump administration, […]. In , an estimated Of these, an estimated 2. Over 63, people died from drug-related overdoses in , most of which were opioids- related. This represented a significant increase over […]. My current event is on the issue of Immigration and Refugees that is going on in our society. Immigrants have been the back bone of what made America great. This country is supposed to be the land of opportunity. For the people that come here that is all that they hear. Wanting a fresh start […].

The social issue of depression and suicide in older adulthood has an impact on lifespan development. The purpose of this essay is to define and show the extent to which this problem of depression and suicide in older adulthood is in America. It will also show the differences in cultural background, gender, and socioeconomic status […]. Growing up one common piece of advice kids get is, stay in school and get good grades. There is a lot of benefits of working hard in school, this is the advice people are giving them is beneficial on many levels. Kids who stay in school and getting good grades can lead to going to […].

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Practice Learning in Social Work. Coady, N. Theoretical Perspectives for Direct Social Work Practice 3rd ed. Kam, P. International Social Work, 57 6 , Teaching Group Work in the BSW Generalist Social Work Curriculum: Core Content. Social Work with Groups, 37 1 , Global Health Action, 7 1 , Educating Social Workers for Practice in Integrated Health Care: A Model Implemented in a Graduate Social Work Program. Journal of Social Work Education, 53 1 , SS Shannon, P. Torture, War Trauma, and Mental Health Symptoms of Newly Arrived Karen Refugees. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 20 6 , What is the general job description for professional social worker, whether protective or one who has another job description? What are the minimum qualifications for this job?

The role of a professional social worker is comprehensive and diverse. A general job description would include elements like willingness to transport clients to and from services, helping clients to access the resources available to them, and actively communicating with clients on a daily basis. Whether in child protective services or not, a professional social worker interacts and teams with other related professionals including psychologists. In the case study detailing a day in the life of a child protection services worker, the social worker teams with teachers as well as therapists. As the case study also shows, social workers will sometimes need to fill out forms to facilitate the legal processing of clients, helping clients navigate the tricky and complicated bureaucratic organizations….

Maurice Williams is the former director of Treatment Foster Care. However, Maurice indicates that his very first concern when he shows up for work is whether there were any disruptions overnight that need to be dealt with immediately. In other words, a director of human services needs to address crises calmly, efficiently, and carefully. This requires following policy and procedure, involving…. References Bogo, M. Walking the tightrope. Child Welfare 87 6 : Bunger, A. Collaboration, competition, and co-opetition. Children and Youth Services Review 38 : Farh, C. Beyond the individual victim. Journal of Applied Psychology 99 6 : Hanna, M. The effective child welfare unit supervisor.

Administration in Social Work 36 : Laureate Education, p. Sociology: Social Work with IndividualsPart 1One of the barriers to change is burnout that is an obstacle concerning my field experience. Since social workers offer practical and emotional support to their clients, they suffer from compassion fatigue that hinders their achievements Hussein, I managed this barrier by engaging in relaxing activities such as listening to music whenever I was free, taking a nap, and writing my experiences in the fieldwork. Managing this barrier was not possible alone; my supervisors and high-level staff provided huge support since they knew that social workers were already giving their best services and should be cared for.

They gave me rest time when I felt exhausted as they understood well the importance of social worker health and the clients health they are serving. Also, support was provided by my colleagues in the form of taking over my place when I was off to rest or…. References Huisamen, A. Do social workers really make a difference? Measuring client satisfaction in an occupational setting. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 45 6 , Direct observations: A complex process made easier by effective communication. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 11 2 , The connection between combat experience and mental health has been extensively researched, and the literature is clear and consistent: veterans are a critically underserved population.

The results of the Rand study may come as no surprise to military families and ex-combatants, but social workers and psychologists do remain critically untrained in the issues specific to American veterans. For this and other reasons such as stigma related to seeking mental health services, veterans continue to be the most vulnerable to mental health issues. Almost , American veterans each year experience homelessness each year…. References APHA Removing barriers to mental health services for veterans. Woeful lack of military knowledge among mental health providers. html Jackson, J. Reducing homelessness in veterans with mental illnesses. Social Work Today 13 3 : 8. Olenick, M. US veterans and their unique issues. Advances in Medical Education and Practice 6 : Savitsky, L.

Civilian social work. NASW Journal. Professional Social Worker: Ethical DilemmaCase ContextOne difficult situation arises when dealing with a situation which challenges the social workers belief in elevating each and every single client to her fullest potential. In one particular instance, a woman from a very conservative Muslim family who had emigrated to the United States when she was a teenager approached the social worker for assistance with her fifteen-year-old daughter. Her daughter was no longer covering her hair, had gone to Planned Parenthood to obtain birth control to have sex with her boyfriend, and was also cutting school occasionally and not doing her homework at home although the daughter did manage to complete it at school, most days.

On one hand, the social worker must take into consideration that the girl is a minor and may be putting herself at risk in the above-cited scenario. On the other hand, the girl is also engaging in…. Reference Hepworth, D. Direct social work practice 10th ed. An interview. Visions Journal, 2 2 Goal Setting and Intervention PlanningAccording to Hepworth , goals are a strategy for the realization of outcomes that are essential for systematic process-oriented approaches when working with a client in social work practice. In addition to developing goals and creating a contract, working with individual clients also involves planning intervention strategies to help achieve the desired outcomes. Goal setting and intervention planning are important elements in working with individual clients in my social work field site.

The field site recognizes the significance of establishing goals and engaging in intervention planning as a crucial factor in enhancing the effectiveness of social work practice and professionals. To this extent, goal setting is used as a process of specifying what is to be achieved. All social workers in my field site are required to establish goals when working with clients. These goals are established based on the specific issues facing the client and…. References Chen, H. The use of Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Chinese schools: A qualitative analysis of practitioner perceptions. International Journal of School Social Work, 3 1 , Hepworth, D. Direct social work practice: Theory and skills 10th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Role theory and social role theory are flexible sociological frameworks that can be used to better understand clients.

Incorporating role theory into social work when counseling clients like Joe will help guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation. Although not an exclusive, comprehensive, or self-contained theory, role theory nevertheless shows how a person cannot be understood in isolation of cultural, family, and normative variables. Without taking into account the importance of social roles in personal and social identity construction, social workers might not be able to overcome their own biases when working with clients like Joe. Similarly, social…. References Koenig, A. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3 : Hogg, M. Social identity theory. Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory, pp.

Turner, F. Social Work Treatment. Oxford University Press. Whaley, F. Joe the King. Social Work with IndividualsPart 1: Skill Development Exercises in AssessmentQuestion 1a Appearance: With regard to posture, the client appears fidgety, and adopts a slumped position. When it comes to attire, the patient appears decent and dressed appropriately for the occasion. In as far as psychomotor functioning is concerned, the patient displays some signs of retardation with regard to slowed and uncoordinated movements. She is also hesitant in her attempts to address the various queries floated to her. b Cognitive functioning: The clients memory could be described as short-term; concentration as poor; judgment as poor and unperceptive; reality testing as distorted and having poor orientation to place; coherence as largely coherent; cognitive flexibility in terms of inability to perceive multiple things or ideas simultaneously; misconceptions in terms of impaired mental processes; and sensory perception in terms of absence of depersonalization, illusions, and hallucinations.

c Affective Functioning: The clients mood could be described as…. References Robinson, D. The Mental Status Exam Explained. Rapid Psychler Press. The ecological perspective encourages social workers to view clients in terms of their relationships with their environments, including factors like family systems, culture, institutions, and hierarchies. As part of the psychosocial orientation, the ecological approach generally considers three different levels of individual experience: the macro, the mezzo, and the micro. The macro level includes broader societal factors including those related to public policy but also to culture, norms, worldview, and value systems. Mezzo structures include intermediate social institutions such as schools or neighborhood level organizations.

The ecological model provides a balanced view of the client because it takes into account the interplay between micro, mezzo, and macro levels rather than limiting the focus on just one problem. Similarly, a generalist approach to social work can interface with the ecological model. References Buchbinder, E. Social Service Review pdf Shanske, S. Social workers as transition brokers: facilitating the transition from pediatric to adult medical care. Social Work Health Care 51 4 : Watson, C. Generalist social work.

Lipscomb University. Mary Terrell was an African American woman who was deprived of her rights and privileges in the late s. She became a member of the NAACP and aided in the formation of the NAACW. As a reward to her efforts, she was made the first president of NAACW. Mary Terrell continuously fought for the rights of all human beings and hence to the introduction of desegregation of the public places. Social work is considered one of the most ancient form of service provision since it involves going out to the people and offering different services.

Different cultures always present different challenges for the social worker. References Barsky, A. Ethical dilemma. Deciding for My Client: When Social Workers Serve as Proxies, Mclaughin, h. Whats in a name? The British Journal of social work, McLaughlin, H. ethical dilemma. Advocacy in social work, Social work code of ethics. Code of Ethics of the National Association of workers, Social Work IssuesPart 1: Social Work Issue News Topic As society has become increasingly polarized ideologically, between mask wearers and non-mask wearers, between red and blue, between liberal and conservative, social workers and social work have been drawn into this polarized debate. Social work has always been politicized, to some degree, given that social workers often deal with marginalized populations and members of historically discriminated-against minority groups.

Now, according to a Newsweek article, Texas Social Workers Can Refuse LGBT and Disabled Clients Under New Rule Slisco, As the title suggests, social workers in Texas can effectively and legally refuse services to clients based solely on the clients sexual orientation or disability status, on the basis of the social workers conscience, conviction, or judgement. The idea of being able to refuse services based on conscience has been debated before within many of the…. References Code of ethics. Texas social workers can refuse LGBT and disabled clients under new rule Newsweek. Social workers often have commitments to specific policies, laws, or funding of programs that are vital to the population they serve or an issue that they strongly support.

Such commitments often lead social workers to become involved in political issues and the campaigns of specific candidates. Being a social worker, such campaign experiences, the outcomes of your efforts, and how effective you felt you were may affect your view of the political process and the likelihood of becoming involved in similar campaigns in the future. Social workers' involvement in political advocacy is usually influenced by the impact of politics on social work practice. Through advocacy and lobbying in the political arena, social workers seek to promote changes in legislation and policy to enhance social conditions and promote social justice towards meeting basic human needs.

In essence, social workers' participation in political advocacy is geared towards protecting individuals' rights and enhancing…. Annotated Bibliography Gayle, V. Young people's entry into higher education: Quantifying influential factors. Oxford Review of Education, 28 1 , his article addresses the factors that are most prevalent when young individuals move into higher education. Among these factors are social status, economic issues, marital status, and gender issues. For this study, the researchers examined many different individuals at a higher education institution and determined their demographic characteristics. hey then gave weight to these characteristics and, through a scientific and statistical analysis, determined to what degree each one of these demographics affected the individual and whether they were involved with higher education.

he results of the study indicated that a marriage age of 19 had a significant effect on whether someone would be attending an institution of higher education in the future, with those that married early attending higher education institutions at lower rates. This article addresses the factors that are most prevalent when young individuals move into higher education. They then gave weight to these characteristics and, through a scientific and statistical analysis, determined to what degree each one of these demographics affected the individual and whether they were involved with higher education.

The results of the study indicated that a marriage age of 19 had a significant effect on whether someone would be attending an institution of higher education in the future, with those that married early attending higher education institutions at lower rates. Goldstein, J. Marriage delayed or marriage forgone? New cohort forecasts of first marriage for U. American Sociological Review, 66 4 , In this particular study, the researchers were interested in whether the recent trend of highly-educated women to delay marriage was an indication that these women would not marry at all. However, the study indicated that, while women were delaying marriage and getting more education, they were still getting married at the 'normal' rate - they were simply doing it later in life than their less-educated counterparts.

Because of this, the study hypothesized that marriage may in the future become the province of the educated, as opposed to belonging to less educated individuals and being avoided by those who have been through more schooling. It is not assumed, therefore, that highly educated people will only have careers and will not marry. Social Work Informatics in Child Protection Social Work esearch The research design for this study utilizes mixed methods in order to identify variables that function as benefits and inhibitors of the use of technology by child protection case workers. Surveys that are a hybrid of quantitative correlational survey techniques and qualitative approaches will be conducted with case workers Creswell, Accordingly, the survey will contain both close-ended and open-ended items, such that quantitative data is available for analysis of correlations and qualitative data is available for grounded….

References Creswell, J. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Glaser, B. The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine. Labuschagne, A. Qualitative research -- Airy fairy or fundamental? The Qualitative Report, 8 1. html Strauss, A. Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. social workers find themselves in the position of being primary care coordinators. This is especially true in situations like the Parker family's, in which there are multiple interrelated issues affecting the family and those issues require input from a wide variety of diverse healthcare workers.

The National Association of Social Workers NASW stresses the importance of developing and maintaining cross-disciplinary partnerships and partnerships across different organizations that can "enhance access to and continuity of care for social work clientele," p. Therefore, the most important thing to address whether in public policy or administrative procedure is to have protocols and standards in place for coordinating care across various disciplines and agencies. The Parker family is dealing with several interrelated issues that include mental health issues but also gerontological ones.

More effective coordination of care would help increase and improve access to mental health services for Stephanie while also addressing Sara's…. Addams included a large amount of environmental reforms in her program for Hull House. One of the most prominent incorporated her labors to address the unhealthful heaps of garbage in immigrant areas because of a lack of public interest. The mayor of Chicago ultimately appointed Addams garbage inspector for her region a job that she took very seriously. Addams managed garbage collectors and took violators of garbage policies to court.

Even though Addams and her associates frequently started reforms, the immigrants had a dynamic role as well, helping in knowledge gathering and its communication to their neighbors Settlement House Movement, ichmond's devotion and professionalism, along with her scientific charity has been documented and developed over the years. Her casework practice, managerial talents, research, and stress on social work education fashioned a professional environment in what was beforehand thought to be just charity work.

This professionalized social work permitted philanthropic…. References Settlement House Movement. html Smith, Mark K. Casework and the Charity Organization Society. Social Work Critical thinking, a higher order of thinking about and dealing with issues, is quite relevant in many contemporary disciplines, particularly social work. It is a way of looking at information, of processing that information in an analytical manner, and having the ability to bring both life experience and other information to bear on the regular processes of one's discipline. Certainly, it can be used as an approach to daily lie, reading, public speaking, even watching movies or attending a concert.

Within the social work discipline, it is a way to take a careful appraisal of beliefs and actions and then arrive at well-reasoned and thoughtful interventions that increase the likelihood of helping clients and avoiding harm -- reasonable and reflecting attitudes that help decide what to do and when Papell and Skolnik, Social work, and other medical and sociological and medical disciplines often turn toward theory as…. And Polkinghorne, D. Redefining the Science- Practice Relationship and Professional Training. American Psychologist.

Pappell, C. And Skolnik, L. The Reflective Practitioner: A Contemporary. Social Work Research -- Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Bowie, S. Journal of Social Work Education, 36 3 , hese experienced researchers have reported on the influences of black MSW graduate careers. Demographics were taken into consideration in relation to social work program enrollment influences. Black MSW graduates were found to be most influenced by advancing their careers, acquiring new skills, and maintaining a professional status. he author further suggests recruitment strategies for attracting black students to graduate social work programs. he overall motivation for the minority MSW student is important when considering the affect of receiving public assistance on the desire to work with the poor and homeless.

Cozzarelli, C. Attitudes toward the poor and attributions for poverty. Journal of Social…. The author of this article, a published researcher with Florida State University, uses data collected from California MSW students over several years to reveal factors which influence the desire to work with the poor and homeless. Sociodemographic variables were influences but not stable ones on students' interest, and idealogical beliefs and motivation were very stable influences. This information is directly correlated to the hypothesis of my study that social work students are influenced by previous experience with public assistance. Sun, A. Journal of Social Work Education, 37 1 , The author, a certified social worker and associate professor in social work research with many publishing credits, has utilized Feagin's Poverty Scale to compare the perceptions of social work students and non-social work students on the causes of poverty.

Previous literature suggested that MSW and BSW students most often find society responsible for the existance of poverty. This hypothesis is true for white, female social workers, however male or nonwhite social workers are more likely to find both society and the individual responsible. The author's hypothesis that non-social work students do not find the individual to be responsible for poverty was also supported. This work helps illustrate the factors which influence social work students' opinions, such as gender and race, which can also be related to public assistance statistics for the social groups involved in the study. Social ork History Like America, Canadian social work has always been about helping the poor and distressed citizens of the nation. The ideas from England had migrated to America and Canada.

Both countries are based on migrants from other countries. There were many movements that developed and promoted social work and the ways that social work was implemented. The industrial revolution had left many unemployed without proper job training for the new work. Migrants were migrating from country to country and from rural areas to the cities causing cities to be overcrowded with unemployment, low wages, and homelessness. One area that differed from American social work and Canadian social work was the way the poor and disadvantaged were viewed and the systematic investigation approach in Canada. The poor were viewed negatively by other citizens.

It was felt the problems the poor had were a result of a weakness of character. Works Cited Directory M. html Drover, G. Social Work. This in turn generates a kind of societal morality. As a consequence, social order becomes an incorporated trait of everyday life. According to the theory, what people see as standards are indirect behavioral rules. Infringements of the standard lead to diverse amounts of punishment depending on how common the standard may be. Chastisements can come in the shape of being disqualified from one's social group, critical looks, or imprisonment in the case of harsh infringements like killing or assault Jeanty, As sociologists and historians examine social work, they often see a profession the spirit of which is social control.

For them the language of therapy, assisting, or even empowerment masquerades a coercive center. Various recent literature of the vocation, conversely, has confronted the attitude of those researchers who depend on case reports as proof of what social workers in fact do in the field has highlighted empowerment in the…. References Burford, Gale and Adams, Paul. Restorative justice, responsive regulation and social work. Therefore, today's society in the United States is diverse, which is something a social worker needs to understand and know how to deal with each diverse group. Furthermore, through research, it has been discovered most ethnic groups that live in the United States consist of young people, which means by staying in this country, they grow accustom to their surroundings.

Once they have grown accustom to living here, they feel like this is their home to start a life with their own families. This continues the growing number of ethnic groups in this country. Due to the educational accommodations that schools and college campuses make for students that have ethnic backgrounds, there is not enough prejudice of one group to let a Holocaust to occur in the United Stated. Furthermore, this country believes in freedom of speech to allow one ethnic to be isolated from the rest and condone any…. References Dennen, Johan. THE 'EVIL' MIND: PT.

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