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Tuberculosis essay

Tuberculosis essay

Typhoid Fever Typhoid Tuberculosis essay killed aboutsoldiers during the Civil War. Magic Johnson, tuberculosis essay, new president of the Los Angeles Dodgers and a member of the NBA Hall of Fame, was diagnosed with HIV several years ago. Washington, D. The author argues that […]. In the United States TB is on the diminution.

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Well by the end of this paper you should learn about one more disease called Tuberculosis that will help you understand more about the infectious agents that threaten our lives today and how to control them, especially Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is the increasingly spreading disease in the world and causes more deaths today then ever before, tuberculosis essay. com TB Global Emergency It kills 8, people a day that is million people a year, tuberculosis essay. It has surpassed the Aids community overall and is responsible for more tuberculosis essay among the young and adults in the world today.

com TB Global Emergency. To find out why Tuberculosis is causing all these problems you have to go to the source and find out what it is. Tuberculosis TBchronic or acute bacterial infection that primarily attacks the lungs. Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. AMA Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a bacteria that is an obligate aerobe, rod shaped, acid fast, that has a characteristic mycolic acid cell wall. Generation time time to create two bacteria from one hours Diagnostic test — PPD skin test, and x-rays.

TB is usually transmitted by bacteria-carrying air droplets that are released when a person sick with TB coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Inhaled bacteria tuberculosis essay in the lungs and multiply. Only 5 to 10 percent of those infected actually become sick. Once tuberculosis essay is contracted, tuberculosis essay, the disease can occur in a primary and a secondary stage. AMA When this occurs is causes the two stages of Tuberculosis essay. The Primary TB produces no noticeable symptoms. Tuberculosis essay system cells ingest the TB bacteria and transport them to the lymph nodes where they may be destroyed or inhibited. TB is not contagious in the early stage. If the bacteria multiply, then active primary tuberculosis develops. Symptoms include coughing, night sweats, weight loss, and fever, tuberculosis essay.

If the bacteria are inhibited, the immune cells form a wall around inactive bacteria, producing a tubercle. As long as the immune system remains strong, the TB bacteria are inactive, and they may remain dormant for many years. If the immune system becomes weakened, the tubercle opens, and the infection may develop into secondary TB. In secondary TB, bacteria destroy tissue in the tuberculosis essay and may spread to tuberculosis essay rest of the body, tuberculosis essay. Fluid or air may collect between the lungs and the lining of the lungs, while tubercles continue to develop, destroying lung tissue. Coughing of blood or phlegm may occur.

At this secondary stage, carriers of TB can infect others. So how big of a problem is Tuberculosis? Inthe World health Organization Tuberculosis essay took an unprecedented step and declared tuberculosis a global emergency, so great was the concern about the modern TB epidemic. It is estimated that between now andnearly one billion more people will be newly infected, tuberculosis essay, million people will get sick, and 70 million will die from TB — if control is not strengthened. People with the active disease left untreated, will infect on average tuberculosis essay 10 and 15 people in each year, tuberculosis essay.

Someone in the world is newly infected with TB every second. For instance the worlds biggest Tuberculosis outbreak is in poor countries like India, and small African countries. These are the countries that hold the most population and a disease outbreak in one tuberculosis essay them will spread with no control cause they have no technology to help cure them or knowledge to stop the spreading of the deadly disease. TB kills 2 to 3 million people each year. TB accounts for more than one-quarter of all preventable adult deaths in developing countries. Between and there was tuberculosis essay 13 percent increase in TB cases worldwide. Nearly 2 million TB cases per year occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly 3 million TB cases per year occur in Southeast Asia.

Over a quarter of a million TB cases per year occur in Eastern Europe. When a country of large magnitude gets infected how do they stop the cure? The answer is through industrialized countries like us. MDR-TB is the multidrug-resistant MDR strains, defined as resistant to the two most important drugs, isoniazid and rifampicin This goes tuberculosis essay us the taxpayers or smaller organizations like the D, tuberculosis essay. Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. S produces cure rates of up to 95 percent even in the poorest countries. S prevents new infections and the development of MDR-TB. There effective procedure is to health and community tuberculosis essay and trained volunteers observe and record tuberculosis essay swallowing the correct dosage of anti-TB medicines for six to eight months.

The most common anti-TB drugs are isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, streptomycin and ethambutol. htm The problem is funding and without it D. Other techniques in curing the disease are in the Alternative Medicine. Countries back east are curing TB by herbalism, using antipyretics or tuberculosis essay, herbs use to fight pathogens. Other treatments used are Naturopathy, which is the orthodox treatment of dieting on fresh fruits, limiting diary products. In conclusion we all know how serious Tuberculosis is and at the same time we are neglectful in our awareness of other potentially lethal pathogens that are out there, tuberculosis essay.

We are smart enough to recognize what is out there, tuberculosis essay, how Tuberculosis is transmitted and how it is possible to prevent this measure of Tuberculosis disease from spreading and keeping us healthy and free from the TB disease. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it tuberculosis essay a guide or sample for writing your own paper, tuberculosis essay, but remember to cite it correctly, tuberculosis essay. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Tuberculosis — Deadly Disease.

Accessed January 7, tuberculosis essay, Tuberculosis Prevention Research Paper Tuberculosis PreventionTuberculosis, tuberculosis essay. Comparison of the anatomical concept of disease with the humoral theory of disease. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Health Medicine Tuberculosis. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price experts online. The Issue of Bovine Tuberculosis Mycobacterium. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements?

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tuberculosis has been found in park […]. Tuberculosis is the leading disease killer in the world; while microbial drug use and surveillance in more industrialized countries like the United States has reduced its impact in their populations, epidemiologists warn that being less than vigilant may allow a resurgence of the disease Bauman, Because Tuberculosis TB , caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, can manifest in a variety of ways that include disease of the bone, central nervous system, and other organ systems the analysis of ancient bones looking for TB has been possible. TB has been identified as the causative agent for death in individuals who died more than […]. This paper will address the common livestock disease known as pigeon fever, its history, transmission, common locations, ideal environment, types of infection and treatment, as well as personal experiences and relevance to this area of the country.

Pigeon fever, also called dryland, dryland strangles, dryland distemper, or Colorado strangles, is a bacterial disease caused by […]. Tuberculosis is a deadly bacterial diseases that attacks the lungs and affects millions of people around the globe. In both HIV negative and positive populations, Tuberculosis remains one of the major global health problems, especially in poor and resource limited areas. According to report of WHO, there were 8. Tuberculosis, or TB for short, is a disease that is easily transmittable from one individual to another [1]. It is a highly deadly disease which accounts for approximately ten million new individuals being infected each year, according to the World Health Organization WHO [1]. Tuberculosis is also the first global emergency, regarding health, that was […].

Tuberculosis is a common pathogen, infecting nearly one-third of the world, that is spread by airborne droplets. These droplets are micro to the eye, but are prevalent, and can travel through the air by means of communication. Tuberculosis is typically known as a pathogen that affects the lungs, but in rare cases it can also […]. Tuberculosis is an infectious, contagious, virulent and inoculable disease whose etiological agents are Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is Robert Koch who described in the tubercle bacillus. This infection is common to humans, all species of domestic animals and some wildlife species. There are besides an estimated 10 to 15 million people in the U. who are infected with the Terbium sources with possible….

While there are some that would write off Mycobacterium Tuberculosis hereafter referred to simply as TB as a concern of the past, there is mounting evidence that is presents a very real threat to present day lives. It is an issue that still affects people all over the world, and in developed nations very…. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Health Medicine Tuberculosis. Essays on Tuberculosis We found 10 free papers on Tuberculosis. Acid Fast Staining Sample Biology Chemistry Microbiology Microscopy Tuberculosis. Bioluminescence In Fungi Biology Chemistry Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis in England Tuberculosis.

Only certified experts. The Issue of Bovine Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Tuberculosis. In WHO issued guidelines on MDR-TB treatment a multi-drug resistance treatment. WHO recommended an optional treatment of MDR-TB using a blend of standard anti-TB antibiotics. To supplement this guidance, in , WHO issued additional interim policy guidance on the application of bed-aquiline on MDR-TB treatment. This proves how determined this organization is, in the…. References Al Jahdali, H. Recent developments in the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection.

The Indian Journal of Medical Research. Gerald, J. Tuberculosis: Control of the disease among aboriginal people in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal. Communicable Disease: Influenza Description of the Disease Influenza or "the flu" is a common illness in the winter months, all throughout the United States and many other countries. Both birds and all mammals can contract influenza Brankston, et al. In recent years there have been scares regarding "bird flu" and "swine flu," both of which are simply different strains of influenza.

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