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Essay poetry

Essay poetry

Well, you know, secretes pus. Order Now, essay poetry. Search for:. By knowing how to write a literary analysis, a student can interpret any piece of literature he has read. There are a lot of barriers for poetry essay poetry pass through in order to be appreciated fully, not even to mention writing an essay on poetry. She uses evocative language to create the connections between the title and the contents of the poem.

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Essay poetry of MURLGRAVE. O F Things in which Mankind does most excel, Nature's chief Master-piece is Writing well ; And of all sorts of Writing none there are That can the least with Poetry compare: No kind of work requires so nice a touch, And if well finish'd, nothing shines so much; But Heav'n forbid we should be so profane, essay poetry, To grace the Vulgar with that Sacred Name; 'Tis not a Flash of Fancy which sometimes Dazling our minds, sets off the slightest Rhimes; Bright as a Blaze, but in a Moment done; True Wit is everlasting, like the Sun ; Which tho' sometimes behind a cloud retir'd, Breaks out again, and is by all admir'd.

Number, essay poetry, and Rhime, and that harmonious Sound, Which never does the Ear with Harshness wound, Are necessaryyet but vulgar Arts, For all in vain these superficial parts Contribute to the Structure of essay poetry whole Without a Genius too, for that's the Soul ; A Spirit whch inspires the Work throughout, As that of Nature moves this World about; A Heat that glows in every word that's writ, essay poetry, Tis something of Divineand more than Wit ; It self unseen, yet all things by it shown, Describing all Men, but describ'd by none.

Where dost thou dwell? what Caverns of the Brain Can such a vast, and mighty thing contain? When I, at idle Hours, in vain thy abssence mourn, O where essay poetry thou retire? and why dost thou return, Sometimes essay poetry powerful charms to hurry me away From Pleasures of the Night and Business of the Day? Ev'n now to far transported, I am fain To check thy Course, and use the needful Rein. As all is Dulnesswhen the Fancy's bad, So without Judgment Fancy is but mad; And Judgment has a bouneless Influence, essay poetry, Not only in the choice of Words or SenseBut on the Worldof Mannersand on Men ; Fancy is but the Feather of the Pen.

Reason is that substantial, useful part, Which gains the Headwhile 'tother wins the Heart, essay poetry. The essay poetry of Masters and Examples too! Ecchoes at best, all we can say is vain, Dull the Design, essay poetry, and fruitless were the pain; 'Tis true, the Ancients we may rob with ease, But who with that sad shift himself can please, Without an Actors pride? A Player's Art Is above his, who writes a borrowed part. Yet modern Laws are made for later Faults, And new Absurdities inspire new Thoughts ; What need has Satyr then to live on Theft When so much fresh occasion still is left?

Fertile our Soil, and full of rankest Weeds, And Monsters worse than ever Nilus breeds. But hold, the Fools shall have no cause to fear, 'Tis Wit add Sense that is the subject here Defects of witty Men deserve a Cure, Essay poetry those who are so, will ev'n this endure. A most offensive Weapon which he draws On all he meets, against Appollo ' s Laws: Tho' nothing seems more easie, yet no part Of Poetry requires a nicer Art. Expression easie, essay poetry, and the Fancy high, Yet that not seem to creepnor this to fly ; No words transpos'dbut in such order allAs, tho' hard wroughtmay seem by chance to fall ; Here, as in all things else, is most unfit Bare Ribaldrythat poor Pretence to Wit; Such nauseous Songs by a late Author made, Call an unwilling Censure on his Shade.

Not that warm Thoughts of the transporting Joy, Can shock the essay poetry or the nicest cloy; But obscene Words, too gross to move Essay poetry, Like Heaps of Fewel do but choak the Fire, essay poetry. On other Themes he well deserves our Praise, essay poetry, Who palls that Appetite he meant to raise. And of a Subject grave exacts the Choice, The Praise essay poetry Beauty, Valor, essay poetry, Wit contains, And there too oft despairing Love complains; In vain alas, for who by Wit is moved, That Phœnix-she deserves to be beloved.

But noisy Nonsenceand such Fops as vex Mankind, take most with that Fantastick Sex, essay poetry. This to the Praise of those who better knew; The Many raise the value of the Few, essay poetry. But here, as all our Sex too oft have try'd, Women have drawn my wandering Thoughts aside, essay poetry. Essay poetry greatest Fault who in this kind have writ, essay poetry, Is not defect in words, nor want of Wit; But should this Muse harmonious Numbers yield, And every Couplet be with Fancy fill'd, If yet a just Coherence be not made Between each Thought, and the whole Model laid So rightthat every step may higher rise, Like goodly Mountains, till they reach the Skies?

The Poet here must be indeed inspired, With Fury too, essay poetry, as well as Fancy fired. Cowley might boast to have performed this part, Had he with Nature joyn'd the Rules of Art ; But ill Expression gives sometimes Allay To that rich Fancy, which can ne'er decay : Tho all appear in Heat and Fury done, The Language still must soft and easie run. These Laws may seem a little too severe, But Judgment yields, and Fancy governs there; Which, tho' extravagant, essay poetry, this Muse allows, And makes the work much easier than it shews, essay poetry.

To mend the Age, and mortifie Mankind, Satyr well writ has most successful prov'd, And curesbecause the Remedy is lov'd. Some vulgar Errors only we remove, That stain this Beauty which so essay poetry we love, essay poetry. Of well chose Words some take not care enough, And think they should be as the Subject rough ; This great work must be more exactly made, And sharpest Thoughts in smoothest words convey'd: Some think, if sharp enough, essay poetry, they cannot fail, As if their only Business was to rail ; But human Frailty nicely to unfold, Distinguishes a Satyr from a Scold.

Rage you must hide, and Prejudice lay down, A Satyr's Smile is sharper than his Frown ; So while you seem to slight some Rival Youth, Malice it self may pass sometimes for Truth. The [4] Laureat here may justly claim our Praise, Crown'd by [5] Mac-Fleckno with immortal Bays; Tho' prais'd and punish'd for another's [6] Rhimes, essay poetry, His own deserve as great Applause sometimes; But once his Pegasus has born dead weightRid by some lumpish Minister of State. Here rest, my Musesuspend my Cares a while, A greater Enterprise attends thy toil; And as some Eagle essay poetry designs to fly A long unwonted Journey through the Sky. Considers all the dangerous way before, Over what Lands and Seas she is to soar, Doubts her own strength so far, and justly fears That lofty Road of Airy Travellars ; But yet incited by some fair Design, essay poetry, That does her Hopes beyond her Fears incline, essay poetry, Prunes every Feather, views her self with Care, At last resolvedessay poetry, she cleaves the yielding Air.

Away she flies, essay poetry strong, so high, so fast, essay poetry, She lessons to us, essay poetry, and is lost at last. So but too weak for such a weighty thing The Muse inspires a sharper Note to sing; And why should Truth offend when only told To guide the Ignorantand warn the Bold ; On then my Muse, adventrously engage, To give Instructions that concern the Stage. But to make Rage declaimand Grief DiscourseFrom Lovers in despair fine things to force. Must needs succeed, for who can chuse but pity A dying Hero miserably witty? But oh, the Dialogues, where jest, and mock Is held up like a Rest at Shittle-cock! Or else like Bells, eternally they chime, They sigh in Simileand die in Rhime. What Things are these who would be, essay poetry, Poets thought, By Nature not inspir'd, nor Learning taught?

Some Wit they have, and therefore may deserve A better Course than this by which they starve ; But to write Plays! Their Beauties imitate, avoid their Faults; First on a Plot essay poetry thy careful Thoughts: Turn it with time a thousand several ways, This oft alone has given success to Plays: Reject that vulgar Error which appears So fairof making perfect Characters; There's no such thing in Nature, and you'll draw A faultless Monsterwhich the World ne'er saw: Some Faults must be that his Misfortunes drew, But such as essay poetry deserve Compassion too. Besides the main Design composed with Art, Each moving Scence must be a Plot a part: Contrive each little turnmark every place, As Painters first chalk out the future Face: Yet be not fondly your own Slave for this, But change hereafter what appears amiss.

Think not so much where shining thoughts to place, essay poetry, As what a Man would say in such a Case. Neither in Comedy will this suffice, The Player too must be before your Eyes, And tho 'tis Drudgery to stoop so low, To him you must your utmost meaning show. That silly thing, essay poetry, Essay poetry call Sheer witavoid, With which our Age so nauceously is cloy'd; Humour is all, Witshould be only brought To turn agreeably some proper Thought. But since the Poet we of late have known, Shine in no Dress so well as in their own. The better by Example to convince, essay poetry, Cast but a view on this wrong side of Sence. Too late alas to hold his hasty Hand, That just hast giv'n himself the cruel Stroke, At which this very Stranger ' s Heart is broke; He, more to his new Friend than Mistress kind, Most sadly essay poetry at being left behidOf such a Death prefers the pleasing Charms To Loveand living in a Lady's Arms.

And then they rail at those they cannot please. Conclude us only partial for the Deadessay poetry, And grudge the Sign of old Ben. Johnson ' s Head; When the intrinsick value of the Stage; Can scarce be judg'd but by the following Age; For Dances, Flutes, Italian Songs, and Rhime May essay poetry up sinking Nonsence for a time. But that will fail, which now so much o'r-rules, And Sence no longer will submit to Fools. Parnassus Hill on whose bright Airy Top The Epick Poets so divinely show, And with just Pride behold the rest below. Heroick Poems essay poetry a just pretence To be the utmost reach of human Sence, Essay poetry Work of such inestimable Worth, There are but two the World has yet brought forth, essay poetry, Homer and Virgil : with what awful sound Do those meer Words the Ears of Poets wound!

Just as a Changeling seems below the rest Of Men, or rather is a two legg'd Beast, So those Gigantick Souls amaz'd we find As much above the rest of human kind. Nature ' s whole strength united! endless Fame, And universal Shouts attend their Name. Read Homer once, and you can read no more, For all things else appear so dull and poor. Verse will seem Proseyet often upon him look, And you will hardly need another Book. Had [9] Bossu never writ, the World had still, Like Indiansview'd this wondrous piece of Skill, As something of Divine the Work admired, Not hoped to be Instructedbut Inspired ; But he disclosing sacred MysteriesHas shown where all the mighty Magick lies, essay poetry, Describ'd the Seedsand in what order sown, That have to such a vast proportion grown; Sure from some Angel he the Secret knew, Essay poetry through this Labyrinth has given the Clue!

But what alas, avails it poor Mankind To see this essay poetry Landyet stay behind? The way is shewn, but who has strength to go? Who can all Sciences exactly know? Whose Fancy flies beyond weak Reason ' s Sight, And yet has Judgment to direct it right? Whose just Discernment, Virgil like essay poetry, is essay poetry, Never to say too little, essay poetry, or too much? Let such a man begin without delay, But he essay poetry do much more than I can say, Must above Cowleynay and Milton too prevail, Succeed where great Torquatoand our greater Spencer fail. This work was published before January 1,and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least years ago.

An Essay on Poetry by John Sheffield. sister projects : Wikidata item. D —— —n. A Play of Beaument and Fletcher, essay poetry. Authority control LCCN : OCLC : HathiTrust : English Wikisource : WorldCat. Public domain Public domain false false. Categories : works PD-old, essay poetry. Hidden categories: Page breaks with a label Main pages with authority essay poetry data. Navigation menu Personal tools Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit View history.

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