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Self reflection essay sample

Self reflection essay sample

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Securing Higher Grades Costing Your Pocket? Book Your Assignment at The Lowest Price Now! Task: The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed improved to increase their communication effectiveness. This assessment is aimed to assess your ability to demonstrate advanced knowledge in written communication and your skill to autonomously reflect about good practices in workplace communication. Through the process of self-reflection, you will be able to improve your communication competencies through your knowledge of and ability to perform contextually appropriate communicative behaviours.

Literature review You are to identify and explain the two issues from your diagnosis and reflection. You are to define the concepts, outline key models and or behaviours that need to be developed to demonstrate effective practice, self reflection essay sample. This literature self reflection essay sample needs to outline both the conceptual theoretical and behavioural interpersonal skills that you need to acquire to demonstrate competence in your chosen area of communication. Action Plan As a conclusion, you are to develop an action plan of key events and activities that you can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviours identified as requiring development in component one. This can include the following:. Introduction: This essay is an analysis of self-reflection of the skills that I have regarding communication, self reflection essay sample.

The essay is structured on the information that is generated from the diagnostic tools which are elaborated in the assignment in a descriptive manner. The areas of communication skills that are required to be focused include anxiety while talking to a group of strangers. There has been reflection on the lack in my communication skills when I talk to people in a big meeting of strangers. The essay also comprises of literature review that focuses in the main theories and concepts associated with issues related to communication. Due to the process of self-reflection, I have gained in-depth knowledge of different activities that I can use for tackling the issues related to communication.

Diagnosis and reflection: For having a proper reflection of my communication skills, I have used 5 numbers of different tools of diagnostic for assessing my skills of communication in different situations of life. The first self reflection essay sample that has been used by me is 5 diagnostic tools. The first tool that I have used for analysis my communication skills is self-perceived communication competence scale SPCC, self reflection essay sample. This tool has assisted in determining my communication skills in various situations of life. There have a been self reflection essay sample of twelve situations that is I come across in my regular life.

The abilities regarding communication in certain situation can be compared to another, self reflection essay sample. The tool of self-perceived communication competence scale has assisted in gaining insights regarding the indication of my competencies extent in the context of communicating in different situation. It was done for all the categories of public, group, meeting, self reflection essay sample, dyad, stranger, friend, acquaintance. The grades scored for all the categories were added and was self reflection essay sample by 3. The resultant that it received as the final score was The SPCCC scores that are obtained denoted to the medium level of self —perceived communication competence with fundamental communication contexts.

The second diagnostic tool that I have used for assessing my skills of communication is non-verbal immediacy scale self-report NIS-S. The nonverbal immediacy denotes to the cues or behaviors which signal the positive feelings towards a different perform. I have used this tool as it has been one of the self reflection essay sample and most updated measures for determining the non-verbal immediacy for obtaining self-report for evaluating my communication skills. While undergoing self-conduction, self reflection essay sample, it was crucial for recognize the variance will be significant in between females and males in regards to society and gender. After conducting tests on myself by answering self reflection essay sample questions of my own, I obtained the final result as The scores that I received was which is a very good score in accordance to the grading scale for males.

The third tool that I used for assessing my skills of communication is personal report self reflection essay sample intercultural communication apprehension PRICA which assisted in addressing the apprehension of the communication in intercultural context. This tool further assisted in the general apprehension of communication. When the score is above 90, the alphas self reflection essay sample is expected to be high. There were 14 statements which were comments that are made by people while communicating with people belonging to different cultures. The answers to such questions were to be given in the form of numbers from 1 to 5.

I had to respond to all the questions in the form of numbers from 1 to 5. After answering 14 questions, self reflection essay sample, I had to calculate the total score which came around The range between which the score could be obtained was 14 to According the scores that I self reflection essay sample which refer to the good core the scores that I obtained through this study indicate the fact that I am very comfortable while interacting with many people who belong self reflection essay sample different cultures.

I also found that is done feel nervous or tensed during having an interaction with various people belonging to various cultures. I found that I do not feel very nervous while engaging in group discussion with various self reflection essay sample belonging to by various cultures. I realized that I feel very calm and relaxed while interacting with people how belong to varying cultural background in groups Drucker, While taking part in any kind of conversations with an individual belonging to different culture, I have found that I do not get quite nervous. Further, I found that while I have interaction with various group of individuals belonging to various couture I feel very comfortable.

Further through the test I evaluated myself by finding out that I do not have self reflection essay sample kind of fear while speaking up in any kind of conversations with any individual belonging to varying culture. I also realized that in normal circumstances, I have a neutral response to feel very nervous and tensed in any conversation with individual belonging to different culture. I found that I had scored 62 which stated me that I have a high intercultural communication comprehension. The questions that I had to face while undergoing self-evaluation were more oriented to determine my reaction when I am subjected to a certain situation.

The responses had to be given as number from one to 5. Each number represented the extent of agreement to the question. The questions in the form of scenario that I had to face included the frequency at which I keep quiet when Self reflection essay sample need to talk. While answering the questions, I realized many aspects of my communication skills. I did not realize that I often keep quiet when I need to talk. I also found that I do not talk more frequently when I should talk sometimes. I have a neutral reaction for the statement I often talk when n it is required for me to keep quiet.

Further, I realized that I, sometimes, do not keep quiet when I know that it would be to my advantage to have a conversation. I agreed to the fact that I am a talkative person, self reflection essay sample. I had a neutral reaction to the scenario that I feel compelled sometimes to keep quiet. I agree to the statement that generally, I talk more than I should talk. The score that I finally obtained for attaining the Talkaholic Scale is In accordance to the results of the diagnostic tool, I found that I am at the status of being borderline talkaholics, self reflection essay sample. It also stated that I am able to regulate and have a control over my talkative nature in most of the scenarios.

The last tool that I used for evaluating my skills of communication is Tolerance for Disagreement. This tool assisted me in assessing the extent to which I can tolerate other individuals having a disagreement to believe. The conceptualization that I used in the tool was much similar to argumentativeness. In this tool, I had to confront the statements related to the orientations and feelings of people. The relying way for this assessment used similar approaches of number between 1 to 5 which denoted to the similar responses regarding agreement as it was done in the previous tools I confronted the statements in which the degree to which I found my involvement in the discussion where there are lot of disagreements to be very funny.

This was the statement to which I do not agree. The scores which obtained through this tool were This denoted to the fact that I have a moderate tolerance for disagreement which I found it to be very true to my nature. After going through the diagnostics tools for evaluation of my communication skillsI found that the two skills such as talkative nature has to be reduced and controlled in more appropriate manner and the communication skills in different situation have to be improved. Self reflection essay sample skills could also be relevant from the interactions that I had in my past with my professor in college and with a mentor while I was in my internship.

My professors had given me a slight hint about controlling the amount of words that I use in a healthy and amicable manner. The second communication skills that I have to develop could be determined by the scenario where I had to make frequent conversations with my mentor while I was on my internship in a retail company. These skills need self reflection essay sample degree of development in regards improving my personal communication, self reflection essay sample. Literature review: The conceptual frameworks that revolve around the issues that I have identified in my interaction with my professor I in my college and with my mentor while being at the internship program in the retail organization would be of great help.

The concepts and theories, regarding communication can assist me in having improvements in the communication while talking to different people in different situation and controlling the talkative nature. This also encompasses the use of various senses. There has been various degrees which have to considered while taking own personal communication into account. I could understand that I need to incorporate the degree of perceived quality or personalities of any given interaction, self reflection essay sample. This can be highly relevant in the scenarios like my communication with my professor during my college days. This would include the achievement of personal goals which in my case can be related to clarity of any academics concepts of issues.

The concept of interpersonal communication is very applicable for determining the development in the control of talkative nature. This can be done by having an integration of the appropriate amalgamation of the initiating, definition, maintaining and continuing my professional relationship with me and my lecturer. The concept of interpersonal communication is found to be highly relevant to resolving my issues in communication skills in regards to controlling my talkative nature as the concept has increased focus on the quality and content of the messages that are to be relied Kaul, This will also assist me in extending the possibility of developing further professional relationship with me.

There can be inclusion or application of the theory of politeness in the issue of being able to have proper communication with my mentor. This theory will assist me in having a proper maintenance of the sense or face of having good image in the public or professional settings where in effective and proper business communication can be conducted with my mentor. The theory of social exchange would be highly relevant in this regard, which is more predominately perceived by me in the second issue of communicating with my mentor in terms business communication. This will need me to work on the verbal as well as nonverbal communication skills along with the listening skills. There has to be application of the emotional intelligence as a part of the concept of interpersonal skills which refer to the ability of having comprehension and management of the my own feelings as well as the feelings of others while making a communication in both kinds of settings Pearson, Both of the situation require to be addressed with persuasion, influencing and negotiation skills while having communication in the similar settings.

These three skills have to be addressed while making communication with different people in different situation and cultural backgrounds. This theory can assist me in developing communication skills when addressing or interacting with people belonging to different and a wide variety of settings and backgrounds by working increasing my engagement in order to obtain a mutual agreement as an outcome, self reflection essay sample. However, I have to keep in mind that this nature shall be repeated in consecutive manner in order to obtain perfection. Considering the communication as that which I had with my professor in college, it is found that the inclusion of active listening and cooperation with individuals can be used as aspects that to be kept in mind while facing similar scenarios.

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Those were testing times hardship had conquered my life. I had no money; living paycheck to paycheck became the norm. Since I had no money, my friends and public transportation became my only source of getting to school. Paying for school, getting any kind of credit, or even writing a check became difficult. Many times I wanted to return back to my parents. I learned how to be strong through financially tough times and how to never lose track of my expenditures. Clearly identifying who we are is often a challenging endeavor. Each of us has a metal persona that? I am perfect, everything I do is great and everyone else is wrong.? We as human beings, often get defensive to negative feedbacks and any kind of change is often a gruesome task to part take in.

It is hard to accept differences of opinion. Plus, it takes a lot of energy, openness, and willingness to listen to positive or negative feedback from others. Therefore, I believe personal growth is a work in process for each individual that are willing to accept the challenge. No one really counts the number of obstacles they face in their lives because as the years go by, they just keep piling on endlessly. I chose to only reflect back on the obstacles that have made the biggest impact on my character, such as watching my oldest brother go back and forth between home and a jail cell, my father dying, and having an autistic brother.

The greatest challenge I have faced so far is trying to support the unstable and fragile men in my life. I knew that I would always remember that scene. I soon came to realize that I would have to grow up without my older brother in my life. He was always in some type of pain that was too complex for me to understand. I was raised by a single mother with public assistance and had relatives that were either on the streets, in jail or worse, dead. Overall, I started to really embody optimism and it helped me get through all the time I was waiting on my brother to get released from prison. By making the most of each day, more opportunities came to me than I ever could have imagined. However, the years were not always easy for me.

The difficulty of trying to live a considerably normal life with a sibling with a disability is more challenging than one would think. He is not only my brother but my twin. His name is Dante and he has a form of autism that makes him unable to speak actual words, most of the time, he responds in sounds. Dante and I were always on two different levels. As the firstborn, Dante seemed like he could do everything. After several months of being on this Earth, he decided that he could walk, talk, and pee in the toilet all by himself. Then one day around the time when we just had turned two years old, my brother was diagnosed with autism. For years, my mother, my brother, and I lived off his disability check just to have our basic needs and get by on rent each month.

His dependence seemed so unfair. One of my biggest goals in life is to be independent and not rely on others to live day to day, especially after seeing it first hand with my own brother. As his challenge is a challenge to me as well, I am nevertheless grateful that I am not the one in his shoes but I can not help but wish there was something I could do to break him out of this mental prison he will be in for life. I thought we would have had more time to fix our relationship. He was not the best of dads, but he was definitely not the worst.

He was easily irritable, but also constantly saddened. His death led me to reflect on myself and how I would want to be remembered. I recall one moment where he and I were having one of our last conversations. I knew by the way he looked at me if I was in for another one of his serious talks about life. It was about college and planning out my future while I was still young. He kept telling me how he hoped I would seek a higher education one day, no matter what challenges I might encounter in that process. One of his biggest regrets was never having graduated from high school.

My father never wanted to imagine one of his children doing the same thing. He would have been so proud to see that even as I became older, my main focus still stayed on academics. I am trying my hardest now to achieve the things my father and I talked about that day: not just because it would have made him happy, but because it will give me one less regret in life. I typically try not to think of my challenges too often, but I have concluded that my challenges are what keep me motivated and persistent to accomplish my highest goals. I refuse to let adversity crush me because that would mean that my family and I would have done all this suffering for nothing.

I do not live in vain, I live for a purpose and that is to inspire people to be more than what they think they are capable of. No day is promised, but the future is always full of possibilities. The characters portrayed in this novel all seem to have their own interpersonal issues, but one character seems to stand out. John Proctor is a troubled character and continues to contribute toward his own downfall. Self-reflection is held and created in the mind of an individual and serves as the way that person sees themselves. We all see ourselves in a different manner than those who see us and we are responsible for how we see ourselves. Our actions, beliefs, and our sense of belonging all contribute to our self-perseverance.

Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! Only if John Proctor had stayed true to his self -image would the affair be non-existent, but his life would be spared. The media is constantly covering issues with politics, and the mistakes made within the government. More specifically, the media is currently covering presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and the lies upon lies she is creating to try and cover her tracks.

Between John Proctor, and Hillary Clinton it could be concluded that they are relative in some way. However, only one admitted to his wrongdoing thus far. Perhaps if John Proctor took responsibility for his actions earlier in the book, the repercussions of his actions would not be so severe. His mistakes started with Abagail Williams, and led to a downhill spiral or slippery slope, significantly worsening the situation. This life lesson can apply to anyone, as everyone makes mistakes. When Proctor finally admits to his affair with Abagail Williams, he showed that integrity still remained within his morals. The power of his integrity saved his wife Elizabeth from death. Also, Proctor concludes that if he keeps this secret, he will be acting like a coward and the end result would be betraying his wife again.

Today, people with no sense of integrity can run for president, be president, and fail to be prosecuted for excessive integrity violation. Reading The Crucible during this point in time sheds extreme concern for society as a whole. In integrity was treated in a more serious matter than it is today, and it shows completely. The events of the crucible, and the literature in the book brings a different perspective for its audience, once a correlation is devolved in similarity to When I first entered English II, I was extremely unconfident of what was to become of myself and my progress in the next level of the subject. I knew English to me was a shaky subject, and the more challenging obstacles of English II had not failed to seem rather intimidating.

The obstacles to which I had to face were not only academic but also social. Do not think that I am the kind of person who clings to people or depends on needing to be with specific people in order to succeed. However, it was rather difficult not having any friends while enduring in a demanding subject—well, at least in my case. I can say I felt isolated during English II, while in English I had many friends in which I had met before or greatly acquainted with. Now did I realize that not having any friends in my English class was not detrimental, yet actually beneficial, since I was provided less to no distraction? Despite my occasional missing of homework—which I apologize for—I felt I succeeded in focusing more on learning how to become more successful at English, especially my essay writing.

I knew all of my knowledge of my past mistakes and the basics Mrs. Mastrobattisto taught me in the first couple of weeks would guide me into succeeding with the first of the grueling tasks of English II. The main things I learned in order to make this paper a success were two things: relevant quotations and drafts. Relevant quotations were a must in this paper, as there were many meaningful quotes in To Kill a Mockingbird, yet only a handful of relevant ones that could be used to support my ideas. The other big concept was drafted. I wrote many drafts over a week—I think at least three. Each time my paper was shaped into even a better form than the last. This I had never done in English I. This paper meant a lot to me as it was the first sign of improvement since English I and gave me hope for the rest of the year.

My first analysis paper had been written with my better understanding of essay structure, but the raw knowledge of how to write could not be better displayed than in my first written piece of the year, the First Common Assessment on summer reading. This piece shows the extent of the ability of how I could write based on what I learned from English I. I felt extremely anxious writing this piece at the time; probably due to the fact that I had to trace back information from a book I read five weeks earlier or that I was being timed. But as it seemed, it took too long to process and overcomplicate ideas, which ended up in hasty endings and poor analyses. After writing this paper, I learned not to overcompensate my ideas with fancy writing and to put down the main ideas and analyses for timed essays, and to leave the really nice writing for home, where I can write for as long as I want.

This experience aided me later on when I soon encountered test essays. When one thinks of critical analysis papers, one usually recollects a sense of difficulty and stress. Test essays were the stones on the path to academic success on which you can trip and fall. Test essays acted as miniature analysis papers with no availability of resources—just whatever you studied the night before. For example, my essay for my test on To Kill a Mockingbird was a bomb. No way was I able to fully analyze and collect my thoughts into a clearly written essay at the time. As I said before, timed pieces are my weakness.

Yet, practice with this type of piece would further strengthen my ability to write such pieces later on. The most important thing stressed in sophomore year is to pass the CAPT. That seemed like a lot of stress. And practicing for it made it seem even more intense. I never understood the boundaries of writing for an essay, in which case how much is too little or too much. Too little writing may cost points for inadequate analysis, while too much writing meant points off for information that may seem irrelevant or incorrect. To me, I felt that when I practiced the CAPT questions, I felt like I never wrote enough. It being timed did not matter to me for this occasion, but the spaces given were quite deceiving.

One wants to use as much space as possible, yet condense the ideas to fit yet add everything necessary. I never felt confident in my answers because I could never balance things out, either the filling of space or putting in the detail with not much space. Hopefully, I can work on that in the future. Most of which I have written was mostly negative. That is due to the fact that it took the whole year for me to mature in my writing, and in that fact I felt unashamed. I was rather joyous on how everything I learned from Mrs. My organization of ideas, word structure, and descriptions led to the pinnacle of my English class progress.

I realized from this successful piece that I created better pieces out of the true focus and experience on which I applied to this paper. This assignment was truly my favorite since it allowed me to reminisce on paper an event that changed my life, yet also apply my new skills as a writer at the same time. After having written this piece, I feel I can take on whatever English III throws at me. English II was indeed a time of failure, resilience, success. What I had done terribly in the past I have put behind me. The failing papers and countless corrections on them seem like a distant memory. I cannot say I have become perfect at writing—far from it. But I know that I have come a long way since the beginning of the school year.

What was once the anxious new sophomore is now the more confident sophomore ready to end the year. I owe my improvement to my English II teacher, Mrs. Without her, I would be still a fledging writer who would never know how to write a more decent paper. I never minded her tough grading, as it was that that pushed me to improve on my skill and let be known that my efforts did not go in vain. And although I remain isolated this year and will be next year, I fiercely intend to continue to grow and mature in the hopes of becoming proficient in what I have come to respect the English language. Do I really know myself as an individual or do I need to depend on what other people perceive on me? Somehow, a simple question becomes complex when followed by another question as possible responses or ideas become broader.

Identity relates to every choice we make, and these choices reflect who we are and what we value. In our daily life, we are making choices on what we do such as what to eat, what to wear, going to work or school, or taking the bus even though the destination is just three stations away. Every choice we make is the result of what we believe we are as a person including what we value from our experiences and the people who influenced us especially our family who has been part of our lives ever since. Even in the long run, we have choices or decisions we need to work out like choosing our priorities and objectives in life. I grew up in the Philippines where the society is well known as collectivism.

Filipinos most value the loyalty to family, extended family, and extended relationships. Most Filipino middle to low classes children is most likely obligated to support their parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews after they finish their studies. Some, generally from lower-class families go straight on finding jobs after finishing their secondary level of education just to sustain the needs of their family. I came to understand more about profitability, product scheduling, as well as product design. I also came to learn of the strategies that are essential in making a business successful. Some of the strategies of making a business successful that I learned include effective management of a business, recruitment of qualified individual to help in running a business, and setting of goals and objectives to dictate the direction that ought to be followed by a particular business.

From the opinions of the team members, I was made aware of the fact that profitability is the main focus of every business, and that the failure to achieve it should be an issue of concern for the people responsible for the management of a business. I came to learn that cooperation and equality are vital aspects that determine the success of any team. I also learnt that with team work, decision making processes can be hastened and made easier. I realized that in order to be involved in the decision-making process of any team in future, I need to improve my communication skills. Are you looking for homework writing help? Click on Order Now button below to Submit your assignment details. Are you looking for homework writing help on Sample Essay on Self-reflection of a Simulation?

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