Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Essay on genetically modified foods

Essay on genetically modified foods

Critics of genetic engineering technology, therefore, suggest that application of this technology creates uniformity in organisms and decreases their genetic diversity, rendering them to increased risks of diseases and pests. So the researchers move to produce Furthermore, most essay on genetically modified foods the DNA transferred into genetically modified foods originates from microorganisms that have not been studied to elucidate their allergenic properties. As Rifkin n. Potential adverse health effects of genetically modified crops. Foods that have been genetically modified are perceived to attain faster growth, essay on genetically modified foods, and can survive harsh conditions due to their potency to resists draught, pests and diseases. Genetically modified food GM has become the subject of discussion in academic, research, media, and scientific circles.


Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. The issues is that genetically modified foods are still not completely understood scientifically. For this reason, there could be unknown detriments to health in the future. Opponents of labeling argue that the labels are a way to scare people out of buying these products. The author of the article argues that people have the right to know what is in the food that they are eating. Because genetically modified foods are fundamentally different than traditional foods found in nature, and because the DNA of the food has been altered, they could potentially pose a health risk to the public.

Furthermore, labeling the products creates a way to track them for any health related issues that might arise. Opponents of labeling have argued that there is no essay on genetically modified foods that these products are unsafe, so they should not be forced to label their products, setting them apart from other products. However, the author argues that the FDA does not label based on danger, but rather, based on the need of consumers to receive unique information concerning the product they are buying. In this way, the author is arguing that consumers have the right to make an educated choice about the foods that they eat.

Whether or not food has been determined safe, the fact is that it has not been determined either way. At this point, it is not known whether or not the food is safe. The burden of proof in this situation is on the companies to prove that the food is safe, not on the public or any other entity to prove it is unsafe before it should be labeled. This argument is completely sidestepping the issue. All food should have labels that articulate exactly what they are, where they came from, and what they consist of so that consumers can make educated decisions about what they buy.

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These modifications are made by transferring the genes of the food item into another organism. Unfortunately, this Genetically Modified Food The Future of Food. Think back to the last meal you had; now think about how much of that food you consumed was genetically modified GM. Hemphill, Syagnik. If you have never questioned where the Genetically Modified Food Genetically Modified Organisms GMO Food. GMOs is considered to be safe and dangerous by some people. There was a debate in that showed about genetically modified food, which is created for preventing from pests, infecting from virus ad Food Safety Genetically Modified Food GMO Food. Genetic modification is the area of biotechnology which concerns itself with the manipulation of genetic material in living organisms and enabling them to perform a specific function.

New developments leading to modern genetic modification which took place in where scientists first discovered that genetic Biotechnology Genetically Modified Food GMO Food. Food is the nutrients that people or animals eat or drink or that plant absorbs to maintain life and growth. With the huge increasing population of the world, the food production from natural resources could not meet their needs. So the researchers move to produce As Rifkin n. Will most of them be safe? In , Dr. Mehmet Oz had invited guests to debate in his show on the topic of The world population is predicted to grow to 10 billion by with an estimated Traditional livestock farming which has become highly industrialised today, involves the painful slaughter of millions of animals and contributes Genetically Modified Food Nutrition Sustainability.

The problem Genetically modified organisms are organisms with changed genetic structure. This is because genetically modified crops have increased ability to resist pest infestation, subsequently resulting in increased earnings Uzogara, Some genetically engineered crops are designed to resist herbicides, thus allowing chemical control of weeds to be practiced. Foods that have been genetically modified are perceived to attain faster growth, and can survive harsh conditions due to their potency to resists draught, pests and diseases. Genetically modified foods have also been suggested to contain many other benefits, including being tastier, safer, more nutritious, and have longer shelf life.

Though scientific studies regarding the safety and benefits of genetically modified foods are not comprehensive, it is argued that critics of this technology are driven by overblown fears W. To most opponents of the application of genetic engineering technology in agriculture, issues relating to safety, ethics, religion, and environment are greater than those that are related to better food quality, enhanced production and food security. Genetic modification technology is perceived to carry risks touching on agricultural practices, health and environment. The major issue raised by the society concerning this technology pertains to whether genetically modified foods should be banned for the benefit of people.

The gene transfer techniques are not entirely foolproof, thus raising fears that faults may emerge and lead to many unprecedented events. There is a possibility that DNA transfer to target cells may not be effective, or it may be transferred to untargeted point with the potential effect being the expression or suppression of certain proteins that were not intended. This may cause unanticipated gene mutations in the target cells, leading to physiological alterations Bakshi, A number of animal studies have indicated that genetically modified foods could pose serious health risks, including the tendency to cause impotency, immune disorders, acceleration of aging, hormonal regulation disorders, and alteration of major organs and the gastrointestinal system Bakshi, It has also been demonstrated that genetically modified foods can act as allergens and sources of toxins.

With the apparent lack of clear regulatory mechanisms and policies to ensure that genetically modified foods are tested for human health and environmental effects, human beings become reduced to experimental animals, thus subjecting them to adverse toxic effects and dietary problems. In animals, it has been found that the use of genetically modified feeds causes complications, such as premature delivery, abortions, and sterility Bakshi, Some genetically modified crops such as corn and cotton are engineered to produce pesticide.

It has been demonstrated that this built-in pesticide is very toxic and concentrated as compared to the naturally sprayed pesticide, which has been confirmed to cause allergies in some people. Many studies have also shown the immune system of genetically modified animals to be significantly altered, with a persistent increase in cytokines; indicating the capability of these foods to cause conditions such as asthma, allergy and inflammation in human beings Whitman, Some of the genetically modified foods such as soy have also been shown to have certain chemicals known to be allergens, for example trypsin inhibitor protein.

Genetic engineering of food may also result into transfer of genes that have the capability to trigger allergies into the host cells. Furthermore, most of the DNA transferred into genetically modified foods originates from microorganisms that have not been studied to elucidate their allergenic properties. Similarly, the new genetic combinations in genetically modified foods could cause allergies to some consumers or worsen the existing allergic conditions. Various cases of genetically modified foods causing allergic reactions have been reported, leading to withdrawal of these foods from the market Bakshi, Genetic modification of crops could also increase the expression of naturally occurring toxins, through possible activation of certain proteins, resulting into release of toxic chemicals.

Genetically modified foods are also associated with many environmental risks. Issues relating to the manner in which science is marketed and applied have also been raised, challenging the perceived benefits of genetically modified foods. Many opponents of genetic engineering technology perceive that genetic modification of food is a costly technology that places farmers from low income countries at disadvantaged positions since they cannot afford it. Political and economic issues across local and global levels have been suggested to prevent distribution of foods so as to reach the people faced with starvation, but not issues of agriculture and technology. Politics and economic barriers have also been shown to contribute to greater poverty, subsequently making individuals unable to afford food.

Some bioethicists are of the view that most genetic engineering advances in agriculture are profit-based as compared to those that are need-based, thus challenging the appropriateness of genetic modification of food in ensuring food security, safeguarding the environment and decreasing poverty especially in low income countries. This argument is supported by the costly nature of genetic engineering technology and the yields from the application of this technology, which in some instances have been observed to be less than the yields obtained from the use of conventional food production processes. The economic benefits of genetic engineering of foods are usually attained by the large scale agricultural producers, thus pitting the majority of the population who are involved in small scale agricultural production Weasel, Though biotechnological firms suggests that genetic modification of foods is essential in addressing starvation and ensuring food security, the patenting of this technology and food has been perceived by many as being a potential threat to food security Weasel, Patenting of genetically modified foods gives biotechnology firms monopoly control, thus demeaning the sanctity of life.

This technology has also enhanced dependency, whereby farmers have to continuously go back to the biotechnology firms to purchase seeds for sowing in subsequent planting seasons. Being a relatively new technology, it is argued that genetic modification has not been well tested and, therefore, has not been accepted as the appropriate method of addressing problems relating to food safety and shortage. Genetically modified food is regarded as unsafe because sufficient tests have not been carried out to show that the insertion and alteration of the genetic material could cause some unprecedented long term effects in another organism. Despite possessing positive attributes such as health benefits and food safety, many consumers are wary of these foods because of lack of proven safety testing Goodyear-Smith, There are also fears that the genetic material inserted into genetically modified foods often gets transferred into the DNA of commensals found in the alimentary canal of human beings.

This may lead to production of the harmful genetically modified chemicals inside the body of the human being, even long after ceasing the consumption of such foods. Prior to the widespread adoption of this genetic engineering technology in agriculture, many scientists and regulatory agents raised concerns that genetically modified foods were inherently harmful, and could trigger allergies, toxic effects, gene transfer to commensals in the gut, and could lead to emergence of new diseases and nutritional problems Smith, To date, no rigorous tests have been performed on the same to dispel these fears; instead, the biotechnology companies have been mandated to ensure that their foods are safe.

The lack of any published human clinical trial and rigorous tests on genetically modified foods, therefore, leaves the toxicological safety of these foods unaddressed and makes humans to act as experimental animals. THANK YOU!!! I am so appreciative of what you did for me. Thank you HelpMe. You fully met my expectations and instructions. The guys from your support service were very helpful. In a word, I'm more than satisfied with such top results. I would like to express my appreciation for the amazing job you did for me. I am sure I'll get a good grade for this essay. How could it not? Thanks for your help. Working with you was one of the best experiences I have had in my college years.

It was so cool to receive such a high mark on my essay. I will always be grateful to you for the help you gave me. I honestly don't think I could have made it without your help. Genetically modified food has suffered a lot of criticism in the recent past Whitman, Therefore, it is vital that consumers get informed about the possible shortcomings of using given product. It has been argued by scientists that changing plants is likely to have long-term effects on the ecosystem. The alteration of a genetic component of a plant may make it toxic to an insect that uses the given plant as the main source of food.

There is also a potent fear that prolonged use of insect resistant genes in crops is likely to make the insects experience some form of adaptation making them resistant to these genetic modifications. The loss of bio diversity is likely to result in this widespread loss of crops to animals. Another chief criticism that this technology has suffered from is that they cause unintended harm to other living organisms, the safety of using these foods has not been established by the scientists. As a matter of fact, we are the guinea pig or lab rats, who test the safety of the new foods. Also, it has been argued that genetically modified ingredients have the potential of causing cancer.

Dr Stanely Ewen stipulated that food and water that is contained in the genetically modified foods could rapidly increase the growth of malignant tumors whenever they have contact with humans. The adverse effects of the immune system are left behind after the use of genetically engineered food and this changes cannot be ignored. Studies in the past have shown immune reactions that alter the blood cells that should protect humans from diseases. The production of genetically modified food is also a venture that promotes dependency of third world countries on developed countries. For example, when there was golden rice developed which had a high proportion of vitamin A; this strain of rice was tremendously beneficial to poor people in developing countries.

The problem arises when the poor countries do not have money to import such products or to grow them on their own. Despite these criticisms, the advantages of genetically modified foods still outdo their limitations, especially considering that some disadvantages do not have a basis on documented facts Krieger, Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate the highly nutritious, disease resistant and extraordinarily prolific foods that play a significant role in fighting food shortage today. Therefore, the development and use of genetically modified foods should be encouraged to ensure food security across the world.

In conclusion, it is indisputable that the genetically modified foods are extremely valuable undertaking, especially in supporting the economy of any country. By elimination, every rational thinking individual would prefer to die of the effects of using genetically modified foods rather than the lack food to eat at all.

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