If you used additional resources for research or in the body of your interview, cite them. Also, do not hesitate to quote your interviewee especially on lines and messages that he or she have said that are thought provoking and attention grabbing, interview essay outline. Limited interview essay outline 2. Essay type Research. This format fits essays that include only one interviewee or a group of closely related people, such as a cast ofa movie or spouses.
How to prepare for and write an interview essay
An Interview Interview essay outline is used to collect information about a person and their backgrounds. Interview Essays are used by interviewers at the universities, colleges or private companies to learn more about the applicants and their interests, skills, knowledge and opinions. The Interview essay is a guide or interview essay outline roadmap that allows the interviewer to collect the most factual information possible within a limited time period. The following is an interview essay outline:. Decide the format that your essay will have.
Generally, interview essays can be interview essay outline one of these several formats:. Plan an organization of the essay. Decide how you will begin your essay. Your introduction should include the questions you asked. Your opening might be suggested by some of the comments from your interviews or you might want to describe a situation which contributes to your questions. List your reasons in order. Ensure that you quote, paraphrase, and summarize your sources. Also ensure that you provide proof between your sources and the conclusions that you make. Conclude your essay by restating you thesis. You can also explain the validity of your arguments. If none of the viewpoints from your interviews coincided with your opinion, you should talk about that. Flesh out your essay, interview essay outline.
The body of your essay needs to follow the selected format while supporting the thesis and providing substantial coverage of the actual interview. Interviews can sometimes produce repetitive answers you, therefore, may need to trim repetitions and unnecessary elements from the body of your essay. Proofread and revise your work. Proofread and carefully revise your essay to provide maximum clarity interview essay outline impact. Reading over the essay yourself is a good start, but it is always wise to have another set of eyes look it over as well. Go back to your original interview notes, recordings, and transcripts, and make sure that your essay continues to reflect the actual interview.
Document your sources, interview essay outline. Depending on your assignment, you may not need to explicitly cite the interview itself. However, always cite any supplement materials that you have used. Any materials you used for research, information about the interviewee or interview essay outline for the essay itself should be referenced in the approved citation format for your essay, interview essay outline. Interview Essay Outline An Interview Essay is used to collect information about a person and their backgrounds. The following is an interview essay outline: 1. Generally, interview essays can be in one of these several formats: Narrative format. This format allows paraphrasing of some information the interviewee says, along with direct quotes for the material you most want to emphasize, interview essay outline.
This is the most likely format for a class assignment, and offers the most opportunity to add context and analysis. Conversational format. In this format, you can address the reader directly and use both first and second person. Question-and-answer format. This format presents your questions to the interviewee, followed by the interviewee's responses. These are always direct quotes, although you may insert explanatory material in parentheses and substitutions, such as a person's name in place of a personal pronoun, in brackets. Body: List your reasons in order. Conclusion: Conclude your essay by restating you thesis. SELL YOUR OLD PAPERS. Recent Posts Acknowledgement Sample Categories Academic Writing 23 Admission Essay Book Summaries College Tips Content Writing Services 1 Essay Help Essay Writing Help 76 Essays Blog 0 Example Infographics 2 Outlines Photo Essay Assignment 4 Resume Writing Tips 62 Samples Essays Writing Jobs 2.
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Navigation Menu Navigation Menu. Home Order Prices. Define the purpose of your paper The purpose of your essay affects the interviewed person, it determines the chosen method and some features of essay writing. On contrary, if it represents a particular view of a random person, you will choose only one person to interview. Research the subject of an interview and prepare your questions To write a good essay , you have to conduct a good interview. Read sources devoted to your subject and any available printed materials. The more you know about it, the more interesting and specific questions you can ask. Look up some existing interviews about this subject, This will allow you to determine what questions are the most important, as well as figure out what unique questions you can ask and what questions may be too banal.
Such questions are good to clarify some crucial and specific details. On the other hand, open questions which imply a detailed answer can help you gather additional data. Draft a list of questions that will serve as a blueprint for your interview. Sort your questions by importance or in the order that you plan to ask them. Highlight the most important questions. Arrange the interview First of all, you have to contact your interviewee to define a place and time to meet. Find a quiet place. It may be a restaurant, a library, or a quiet location, for example, in some park.
The interviewee must express his or her consent regarding the use of the recorded material. According to the law, you have to get a written permission to record an interview. Conduct the interview Even if you record the interview on a phone or a voice recorder, take notes. Use a recording device that will help you clarify the context of some noted phrases during the writing process. The interviewed person must have time to think and figure out answers. Create a relaxed environment for the conversation. You will need these notes while writing an essay. At the end of the interview, thank your interviewee. Determine the format of your essay Usually, if you get an essay assigned, you will be given instructions on the essay format.
It fits a wide range of essays, including magazine articles and college assignments. Some answers may be paraphrased. This format also allows you to provide background information. Question — answer. Essays of this type consist only of direct quotes. It looks like a list of questions and answers written in a form of a dialogue. However, you can add some comments in parentheses. This format fits essays that include only one interviewee or a group of closely related people, such as a cast ofa movie or spouses. Draw up an outline Your outline may vary depending on the essay type. Listen to your recordings and read your notes. You have to consider both the most substantial parts of the interview and themes that you marked as important while talking to a person. Your outline may be a basis for the introduction.
Start it with an anecdote or interesting fact about the interviewee. After that, familiarize your readers with main points and write your thesis statement. You have to support your thesis with several facts, and summarize the presented material in the conclusion. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create a compelling interview essay:. The purpose of your paper will determine your subject, readers and the topics the essay will cover. If you are writing about an opinion, it is best to find an authoritative interviewee who can provide valuable insights for your readers. Papers on scientific, medical or health topics require the expert knowledge of a professional. If you are writing about a public subject, you should have more than one person's view to provide your audience with several perspectives on the issue.
The purpose of the essay can also depend on whether it is an educative or informative piece. If you are trying to educate readers, you want to choose a subject that resonates with your audience. For example, you could interview an expert in office politics to discuss how to prevent disagreements between senior and junior employees. You need to understand the interview subject to produce quality material on it. This makes it crucial to research the topic to learn about the body of knowledge and gaps your work can fill. Make your essay captivating by asking questions that help the audience discover new information they can use to solve problems.
You can read good interviews, books and other materials on the subject to develop interesting angles. Researching the work of prominent experts in the industry can also provide great subjects for your interview. Related: How to Write a Professional Email. Asking quality questions is an important part of writing a great interview paper. It is easy to develop powerful questions if your research is thorough. You can use a combination of direct and open-ended questions to get detailed answers and clarifications from your interviewee. Open-ended questions work best for in-depth explanations of complex issues because they allow the interviewee to provide more details for nonprofessionals to understand. Use questions with yes or no answers to get specific responses. It is advisable to prepare more questions than you plan to ask.
During the interview, you can then choose the ones you feel are best suited for the interviewee or the situation. Highlight or organize the questions in order of importance to maximize your time with the interviewed person. Once your questions are ready and you understand the subject enough for the interview, contact your resource persons. It is important to choose people who are an authority on the subject. Explain who you are and tell the person your reasons for choosing them for the interview. Always have an alternative source in case the first interviewee refuses or loses interest. If you intend to record or transcribe the answers, ask the person to provide written permission.
Ask for their consent before the interview if you plan to take photos, and agree on a date, time and venue. Choose a quiet location, such as a library, a park or the interviewer's office, and get there on time. If it is difficult to meet in person, you can interview via telephone, video call or other electronic means. It is important to take notes even if you record the interview because it helps you highlight important points during the discussion. You can also listen to the recording to recall the context of points the interviewee raised. This can help you avoid misrepresenting the person's opinions. Interviewing requires excellent communication skills. Ask clear, unambiguous questions that will not confuse the interviewer. Listen actively and wait for the interviewee to finish before asking more questions.
Even if you want the person to clarify a response, try to avoid interrupting them in mid-sentence. Make them feel relaxed. You should also note your thoughts and impressions immediately after the interview for better articulation when you write the essay. Thank the interviewer for taking the time and effort to provide their professional insight on the topic. Your paper's format depends on the interview essay you want to write. There are three main types of interview papers, including:. This requires a story-like format. It requires writing with a point of view that can be yours or that of the interviewee.
This can also come in a question-and-answer format, but with direct quotes. The tone can be informal, and you can write in the first and second person.
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